The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild returns with new and inspiring ways for people to connect with nature.
· 400,000 took part in 30 Days Wild last year – they did over 10 million ‘random acts of wildness’ – it’s the UK’s biggest nature challenge
· All our lives are better if they’re a bit wild – evidence shows that people feel happier when they are closer to nature
The Wildlife Trusts’ are counting down to the start of this year’s 30 Days Wild – June’s national nature challenge to do something wild every day for a whole month. Back for its sixth year, 2020’s challenge is more important than ever as we enjoy the wildlife close to our homes and the solace enjoying nature can provide.
Sign-up is open now on The Wildlife Trusts’ website – so people can download their free and inspirational activities in plenty of time to plan 30 Days Wild, ready to start on Monday 1st June.
30 Days Wild is for everyone – wherever you live, whatever your age! This year, all the amazing resources will be available exclusively online and include a colourful wallchart, a wild bingo game, colour-in window poster and a passport log-book with ideas to record wonderful wild actions – including crafting with nature or going plastic-free for a day, to taking action for bugs, bees and butterflies in your garden.
People signing up can receive more ideas from The Wildlife Trusts throughout June – these will include more inspiration about wildlife gardening, nature photography, writing and blogging and making wildlife films.
Research shows that taking part in 30 Days Wild is good for you. People say they felt happier, healthier and more connected to nature after taking part.* Studies also show that when people feel connected to nature, they are more likely to care for it.
Dr Amir Khan, The Wildlife Trusts’ health ambassador and TV doctor, says:
“Being outdoors and enjoying nature is fantastic. Not only to see what’s going on around us, but also for our physical and mental health. A lot of research has shown that spending – even a short amount of time – embracing nature, can have a positive effect on our health. Why not join us and do something wild everyday this June?”
James McVey of The Vamps says:
“Sometimes it can be hard in our busy lives to make a little time for us and get outside. We can get wrapped up in what we’re doing, forgetting the incredible and wonderful things that are happening around us. That’s why I look forward to June and The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild challenge. It reminds me, whether I’m at home, on the road or in the studio that outside the door is the magic of nature. Doing something, anything, each day to appreciate this helps me feel connected and grounded to our amazing world.
Ellie Harrison, TV presenter says:
“We are all, but for 200 years of industrialisation, creatures of the land. It’s why nature looks beautiful to us; why we know how to be in nature; and why nature makes us feel content. 30 Days Wild from the Wildlife Trusts reminds us to notice nature in small moments every day. The stillness of even a few seconds changes our relationship with the planet and in those still quiet seconds, reconnects us with the truth of who we are”.
2019 highlights included:
· A record 400,000 people took part – the highest number yet, showing the challenge is growing in popularity every year since it began in 2015.
· Over 9,000 schools and nearly a quarter of a million children took part.
· Thousands of people shared and responded to activities across social media using #30DaysWild.
Jo Richards, The Wildlife Trusts’ head of communications says:
“30 Days Wild is so much fun and June is one of the best times of the year to see wildlife – it’s the month when everything’s fluttering, singing, nesting or blooming! Thousands of people look forward to taking part – including me – sharing their special random acts of wildness. Whilst we’re staying in or near our homes this year, you can join a fabulous online community and share your ideas with hundreds of other people via #30DaysWild.
“We know that whilst we love our wildlife, it is really in need of our help. So this year, we’re not only providing ideas to help people feel closer to the wildlife on their doorstep, but also sharing simple actions that they can take to help care for it in their homes.”
Sign up opens from the 16th April www.wildlifetrusts/30DaysWild
30 Days Wild sign-up packs will be online · Sign-up to take part in 30 Day Wild!
The Wildlife Trusts
The Wildlife Trusts believe that people need nature and it needs us. We are here to make the world wilder and to make nature part of everyone’s lives. We are a grassroots movement of 46 charities with more than 850,000 members and 38,000 volunteers. No matter where you are in the UK, there is a Wildlife Trust inspiring people and saving, protecting and standing up for the natural world. With the support of our members, we care for and restore special places for nature on land and run marine conservation projects and collect vital data on the state of our seas. Every Wildlife Trust works within its local community to inspire people to create a wilder future – from advising thousands of landowners on how to manage their land to benefit wildlife, to connecting hundreds of thousands of school children with nature every year