Calling all Schools, Teachers & Home Ed Groups, the UCI World Championship comes to Doncaster Dome Cycling Hub on Friday 27th September and we are so proud to be hosting this leg of the tour.
We are offering schools and Home Ed groups the opportunity to turn this in to an exciting day out, completely free of charge.
The day will include:
▪️ Watch the registration session
▪️ Cheer on riders from all over the World
▪️ Exclusive track side view of the race
▪️ Free entry to ice skating or swimming
▪️ Packed lunch provided
▪️ Goody Bag
▪️ Clackers and Flags
▪️ VIP Badge
▪️ Return Vouchers
All it will cost you/the parents is the coach charge.
There are many ways in which you can tie this is with their school work – teach them about each country participating (History), ask them to design their own flags (Art) 🇬🇧, talk about the benefits of cycling and about road safety (P.E), and we are sure there are plenty more ways you could tie it in to their learning.
If you are interested in attending with your school please email [email protected]