***Sponsored advertorial by Sycamore Hall Preparatory School***
Our school offers pupils a unique educational experience in a caring, family atmosphere, with a traditional style education based on the principles of honesty, integrity and hard work. Our reputation is built on a friendly, welcoming environment, together with high standards in behaviour and academic achievement to produce confident but considerate pupils.
Small classes ensure a high degree of individual attention and allow each child’s development to be closely monitored. This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to get tailor made bespoke education at affordable price in the heart of Doncaster.
During these challenging and unprecedented times, Sycamore Hall preparatory school is proud to have opened its doors to its students by maintaining social distancing. Since 1st June 2020, students have been attending school and being with their peers has really helped children feel some normality. All children have settled well with good discipline and strict measures in place with regards to frequent hand washing and hygiene.
School will remain open throughout summer holidays to compensate for missed education.
If you would like to find out more about our school, we warmly invite you to book an appointment to visit us during our school open days on Wednesday 1 July and 8 July 2020, 9 am to 5 pm.
We achieve excellent results in independent and grammar school entrance examinations with many academic scholarships to a wide variety of schools being attained. We aim to provide a varied and balanced curriculum which is both stimulating and enjoyable. In literacy, phonics are taught daily and the children are introduced to the ‘look, say, cover, write, check’ method to learn weekly spellings. The children read to the teacher on a daily basis. Emphasis is also placed on grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure and punctuation, along with creative writing and writing styles. Maths is taught on a daily basis with particular emphasis on Mental Maths and problem-solving work including Algebra. Other subjects include Science, ICT, Verbal Reasoning, French, German, History, Geography, Art and Technology, Music, P.E., Current Affairs, Topic, World Religions and Handwriting.
School doors open from 8am onwards keeping in mind working parents. After school care is available from 3.45 p.m. until 6.00 p.m. during which time children may complete their homework and join in the various activities such as Cinema Night, Reading Night and Art Night. Refreshments are available for pupils staying late.
Our children may participate in a wide range of activities during lunchtime, including Traditional Toys Club, Chess Club and Gardening Club. Our Drama and Dance Club culminates in an Annual Stage Production. In addition, children are given the opportunity to care for a wide range of animals and take full responsibility for their welfare.
We look forward to your visit on our open day on Wednesday 1 July or 8 July 2020 from 9 am to 5 pm. A free assessment of your child can be arranged at that time. You will have an opportunity to talk to headteacher and look at the work of current students. If you would like to speak to parents of current children, please let us know and this can be facilitated with social distancing measures.
In the meantime, please have a look at some of our 5-star Facebook reviews from parents and ex-students.
Miss Spencer is firm but fair, has a real sense of fun and absolutely devotes herself to each individual child’s needs. The school is easily accessible, it has a wonderful environment, which facilitates an enhanced learning experience. My grandson has blossomed since he began his education at Easter, his knowledge is much improved , his maths writing and spelling so much better and he is now a confident individual who loves going to school. Thank you to the staff who have made this possible
Wonderful small family environment with great academic standards! All children are happy yet stretched to be the best they can be. Highly recommend.
After seeing my son struggle at a local school, fall further and further behind and have extremely low moods, I decided to change schools and put him in Sycamore hall. It has truly been the best decision I’ve ever made! My son is back to being the happy, kind and chatty little boy we knew. Miss Spencer has devoted her time and energy to pull him up to the standard he should be in 4 months this is including school holidays. He now wants to learn, tell us about what he’s learning and most importantly he loves going to school. He describes Miss Spencer as strict, but funny and the best teacher hes ever had! Highly recommend.
Open day tours are by appointment only in order to ensure social distancing is always maintained.
To book your place, contact us on Facebook or visit our website to fill in the short registration form HERE.
Sycamore Hall Preparatory School, 1 Hall Flat Lane, Balby, Doncaster, DN4 8PT. 01302 856 800