Published 25th March 2020
Stay at home to Stop Coronavirus spreading
Everyone must stay at home to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.
This includes people of all ages – even if you do not have any symptoms or other health conditions.
You can only leave your home:
Published 29th March 2020
NEW Multi-million pound Coronavirus action plan to help the most vulnerable in Doncaster
Mayor Ros Jones has today announced a 10-point plan to help people, communities, businesses and arts and leisure get through the COVID-19 emergency.
The plan includes a three month Council Tax payment holiday for households struggling to pay due to the crisis. St Leger Homes tenants will also be given a similar financial break with their rents.
These are just two points in a £5m 10-point action plan drawn up by Mayor Ros Jones, her cabinet and the council’s leadership team on top of planning, dealing and support the NHS in the emergency and trying to keep as many council services running for as long as possible. The plan is in addition to Government support and is designed to help the most vulnerable and those who support them.
The plan includes:
“We are in unprecedented times and we all need to pull together. As a council we are one of the biggest organisations in Doncaster and we want to help deal with one of the most challenging crises many of us have had to face. We will lead, support and use our strengths to shield the most vulnerable from school children not having a square meal to older people being isolated at home. We are changing what we do from our usual duties to switch gear into supporting people who need us,” said Mayor Jones.
“As well as our plan, I would ask others who are in a position to help such as private landlords, community and sporting groups to come together and offer a united force for good to get through this.
“We have looked at what we do as a council on a daily basis and we will make things easier for people such as removing as much red tape as possible to get payments to people and businesses, helping sectors recruit the workers they need and relooking at our fees and charges to see if there is any give in the system to make things easier – the council tax and tenants’ rent holidays are prime examples of this.
“Let us all think about what we can do to help our neighbour and community. I would ask you to be patient, kind, not panic buy or be selfish. This crisis will last some time and we do need to show that Doncaster can brave any issues and come together. Thank you.”
Further details of each point in the plan will be made available shortly.
For the latest information and advice about Coronavirus please visit:
Follow the NEW FACEBOOK PAGE @CovidDoncaster
Published 17th March 2020
“I want to reassure our communities in Doncaster that we along with our NHS organisations and other partners in the borough have been planning for Coronavirus. We appreciate this is an extremely unsettling time for people and they are concerned about what is happening on a daily basis. The scale of the effects of this pandemic are being assessed each day for our borough. I do want to reinforce that we do have plans in place and have been planning behind the scenes. These plans are being updated to deal with the emerging situation.
Public Health is leading on the response to this pandemic and we are supporting them through our emergency planning role. Myself and my cabinet and councillors are being regularly updated on the national position and guidance.
Please follow the guidance and read the information that is on our website at and follow us on MyDoncaster twitter and Facebook.
As a council, we will be ensuring we have people and resources in place to ensure as many council services will continue to run whilst ensuring the health and safety of our residents and staff.
If you need council services, then please go online to request them and if you do have symptoms, do not come in to any of our offices or facilities.
We do not know precisely how long this crisis will go on for – it could be months – so I would ask for our borough to come together and to support each other, be kind and patient and follow national advice. We all need to stay well and safe and care for people around us.”