If you have just dug out the letter, telling you that it is dress-up day at school for Roald Dahl Day, here are a few last minute costume ideas!
Download a Roald Dahl Day party pack here.
A blue dress and hair ribbon, plus a handful of books.
We did this a couple of years ago…really simple. Pink dress or nightie and a pair of glasses. If you have things to hand, get a plastic container with a lid and put some battery operated fairy lights inside and ta dah, you have a jar of dreams. (We got a certificate for this outfit!)
Short sleeved t-shirt over a long sleeved top and a playstation controller.
Dig out some old clothes that are two sizes too small and make a golden ticket.
Brush off the Halloween witches outfit and wear a month early.
She’s basically just purple, so head to toe purple!
A red and white striped top if you have one and a cushion up their jumper!
Scruffy clothes, messy hair and a long warty nose for Mrs Twit , scruffy beard for Mr Twit.
Black top and black leggings or trousers, stuff a couple of pairs of black tights with newspaper to create extra spider legs and drape around the neck or attach to a belt.
Apparently, yellow was Roald Dahl’s favourite colour so you can join in by wearing anything yellow! Super easy!
For more ideas, including dress up ideas for TEACHERS click here