As home schooling continues you might be looking for a bit of inspiration.
The people in charge of Doncaster Adult, Family and Community Learning have launched the Family Learning Challenge and they are rewarding families with certificates and awards!
Here is what you need to do to get a certficate…you can do as many challenges as you like.
- Crafts Challenge – they’d like to hear about 6 craft based activities that you have done together at home. Send them photos of you working together as a family, along with details of what you did so that they can share your ideas with other families. You might fancy making Tin Can Lanterns, Homemade puffy paint or Wooden Spoon Puppets…there are absolutely loads of ideas here. There are also ideas on our guest blog from Arty Annie here.
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Challenge – Work on something STEM related as a family. Tell them what you did, what happened and something you learned. Would you do anything different next time? Would it be something you’d recommend to other families? Send 6 different STEM activities that you have tried to gain a certificate and award. Again, lots of ideas here. We did an interesting science experiment with the Mini Mumblers at home, take a look here. Gardening also counts towards this! See some ideas of things to do in the garden here or inside – growing a cress head counts!
- Reading Challenge – Read 6 books together and write a review. Think about your favourite characters, you could also make puppets or act the story out? Send photos to get the reward! There is a great section on Riveting Reading and Wriggly Writing here .You might want to listen to some of the Julia Donaldson books being read each week or read the new JK Rowling book, The Ickabog that is being made available free online.
- Get Creative Challenge – Make something together, from recycling, from nature, build a den! Whatever it may be share your 6 different creations. If you need more inpiration there is lots here or take a look at this brilliant project from darts at The Point in Doncaster – Mythomania. My children loved doing this. If you want to take the den building to the next level, there is a ‘Design a Den’ competition here
Send your photos to [email protected]