We’re all spending more time at home during lockdown and with the weather getting more chilly anyway, it’s a perfect time to adopt a little of the ‘hygge’ lifestyle, a wonderful way for the whole family to chill out, relax and enjoy each other’s company.
What on earth is ‘Hygge’ I hear you ask?
We have enjoyed Hygge nights on New Years Eve for the past couple of years and we love it so much, it’s a perfect idea for any rainy gloomy day at home.
‘Hygge’ pronounced “hoo-ga” is a Danish concept which encompasses a feeling of Cosy contentment, through enjoying the simple things in life.
We have found that over the past few months, the times that we have embraced lockdown and made a plan of things to do whilst we are home at the weekend have been the best times. We now enjoy a regular Saturday night movie together, with our dinner on our laps and lots of treats! Everyone in the family looks forward to this, we even plan the movie we are going to watch in the week before, move the sofa’s around and the kids bring pillows, teddies down, it’s really cosy.
If you’d like to have a Hygge day or night, here are some ideas and inspiration that are especially great at the moment if you’re isolating:
- Choose a room to get cosy...it could be the lounge or a bedroom, wherever you choose. We love our aptly named ‘snug’ which we LOVE to spend time in, so we sometimes have a Hygge night in there!
- Do everything you can to make it look and feel different. Last New Years Eve, we have had blankets, duvets, fluffy pillows and every single teddy that the kids own downstairs. The kids loved jumping in to a teddy bear ‘ball-pit’!
- Lighting is key – choose cosy lamps, candles, fairy lights over the ‘big light’
- Make a den! Our kids love to make a den. They especially love making a den big enough for us all to fit in!
- Put on your cosiest clothes. Whether that is PJ’s, sweatpants, whatever, make sure your comfy and cosy, whatever time of day it is.
- Grab some dinner or yummy snacks. We usually opt for some ‘party’ food on a platter such as sausage rolls, chicken wings, ribs, crisps, pizza etc. The kids love it when we do this. We tend to also bake something so that we have some home made sweet treats! We also love hot chocolate with marshmallows, which is the ultimate way to get cosy whatever the time of year! If it’s a grey day, hot chocolate makes it brighter!
- Choose your entertainment – We have got some brilliant board games, with current favourites being Cranium Junior and Top Trumps, so we will most definitely be playing a game or two. Littlest Mini Mumbler loves a good jigsaw (and so do I). We’ll also watch a family film in our cosy Hygge den, plus it will be a great opportunity to talk about our favourite things, chat about what we would like to do with the rest of the year, tell jokes, play with Lego and other toys that the kids don’t get chance to play with a lot, read some books…the list of things we could do is endless.
- Most of all – we relax and enjoy these moments of cozy contentment! Everyone has such busy lives, adopting a bit of ‘hygge’ allows us to be ‘present’ and enjoy each others company.