Do you or the kids have a book that has shaped your lives?
Doncaster families are invited to share their personal stories about books that have shaped their lives as part of Doncaster: The Books That Made Us.
Anyone who wish to take part in the project is invited to reveal the books that challenged them or changed their lives by taking a selfie video on their phone or writing an anecdote and sending it through to [email protected]
We’re asking people to tell us a book that is important to them. This is a jigsaw puzzle, piecing together a map of different text. To this end, the videos are visually made into jigsaw pieces that are part of a puzzle that connects all the different contributions.
Check out the videos made so far. If you’re from or have a connection to the town of Doncaster, now is your chance to create a video jigsaw piece to help complete the puzzle of ‘Doncaster: The Books That Made Us’
Jo Miller, Doncaster’s former Chief Exec, reveals the book that made her – To Kill A Mockingbird