If you’ve already read our ‘Meet the Doncaster Midwives and Health Visitors‘ blog you will have seen some of the people who work within RDASH NHS as Midwives and Health Visitors, who can provide you with support.
This blog below will explain support offered in terms of perinatal mental health, breastfeeding and infant feeding including the Health Start Voucher Scheme, and pregnancy and loss bereavement.
Having a baby is a big life event and its normal to experience a variety of emotions during pregnancy and after giving birth. But if any difficult feelings begin to have an effect on your day-to-day life, then you might be experiencing a mental health problem. Perinatal mental illness affects up to 20% of new and expectant mums and covers a wide range of conditions which you could experience at any time, even if this is not your first pregnancy. It’s important to remember that you are not alone and there are so many options for support out there.
We have pulled together some organisations that have lots of useful information and support regarding perinatal mental health. Light Peer Support is a local charity which aims to provide support to families who are affected by perinatal mental health and to also raise awareness in Sheffield and beyond.
You can download a leaflet about Light Peer Support here. Their face to face peer support groups take place on the following days:
You can also access free talking therapies through the RDaSH IAPT service (Improving access to Phycological Therapies). The IAPT service can be used by anyone expecting a baby or up to 1 year after birth, including fathers who may also find this a worrying and overwhelming experience. For more information please download and read the perinatal group leaflet here.
There are lots of antenatal and baby and toddler classes in Doncaster, which are great if you want to meet other mums. You’re not alone.
See all Antenatal classes here
See all Classes and Playgroups here
The Doncaster Family Hubs offer lots of classes and activities and their timetables can be accessed below:
Other useful websites which have support and advice available include:
Support is available. However, if things you’re trying yourself are not helping then please don’t hesitate to speak with your midwife or doctor who may offer alternative services or other emotional support.
Nicola from Pregnant Pickle, based in Doncaster, supports new and expecting Mothers with access to practical resources and handy guides to help working mothers understand their rights in the workplace.
Visit the Pregnant Pickle Facebook page here
“Hi, I’m Claire, the infant feeding lead for Doncaster 0-5 health visiting service. I’m writing this blog to help you understand my role and how our Heath Visiting Service can support you in your breastfeeding journey.
During your pregnancy you will have learnt how wonderful breastfeeding is and that there are many benefits for both yourself and your baby. The World Health Organisation recommends breastmilk is the first choice of nutrition as each mothers’ milk composition is uniquely matched to their baby’s needs.
Breastfeeding is a learnt skill. It is normal to need both practical and emotional support while you are breastfeeding. Many times, when I am asked to help it is because new mums’ have encountered challenges and feel very overwhelmed with the whole experience.
It is important to get support as and when you need it. You may need further advice on positioning and attachment, hand expressing or just a friendly person to help you and your family to continue breastfeeding for as long as you wish.
Here is how the Health Visiting team can help:
We are here to support you in your breastfeeding journey, therefore if you need any additional support or advice please pick up the phone and contact our Health Visitors Single Point of Contact (SPOC) helpline 01302 566776 . You can also access advice and support by booking an online chat appointment using our Parent+ eClinic app (Download for free on the app store or Google Play )or by messaging the team through our Doncaster Health Visitors Facebook page.
Doncaster Health Visitors are all trained to give breastfeeding advice and support, but did you know the team also has a group of specialists who have special interest and additional knowledge in breastfeeding.
If you require extra support, the team can refer you to a specialist who can support you over the phone or visit you at home.
To access Breastfeeding support call the Health Visitors single point of contact (SPOC) 01302 566776 (this number is such a good one to note down or put in your phone as you need it for everything). It is available Mon-Fri 9am-4.30pm and someone will take your details and you will be called back the same day by someone who can help you. You can also message the team through the Doncaster Health Visitors Facebook page.
You can also still access online breastfeeding support and advice.
We Support Our Mums is a local initiative which encourages local businesses and community venues to show they are breastfeeding friendly and make you feel comfortable and more confident breastfeeding whilst out and about.
You can find the directory of venues and more information here
If you’ve wondered what the easiest thing to wear whilst breastfeeding, or where to get some nice breastfeeding clothes, you might like our round up of Mumbler recommendations, made in our parents chat group on facebook! Lots of great tips and suggestions from other mums – read the blog here.
What is Healthy Start?
If you’re pregnant or have children under the age of 4 you can get money to spend on food and milk.
Lots of Doncaster families are currently missing out and we have a whole blog here about what the Healthy Start Card is, what you will be able to buy with your prepaid and whether you’re eligible and how to apply.
Introducing solid food is an exciting developmental stage for you and your baby to enjoy together. However, it can be confusing knowing when and how to start. The Doncaster Health Visiting Team are here to guide you through this journey; offering advice and support during routine health reviews, over the phone via the single point of contact (01302 566776), through online chat appointments using our Parent+ eClinic (App Store or Google Play) or by messaging the Doncaster Health Visitors on Facebook.
The NHS start4life website has advice on safe weaning, helpful videos, tips from other parents and lots of simple, healthy weaning recipe and meal ideas here.
Introducing solid foods to your baby is recommended around the age of 6 months.
You can find lots of ideas, first foods, top tips and healthy meal ideas for weaning your baby on the Doncaster Health Visitors Facebook and Instagram pages.
One of the leading independent expert voices on sleep issues in the UK are based right here in Doncaster. The Sleep Charity are here to help everyone get a better nights sleep!
Sleep deprivation can have a serious impact on emotional, physical and mental health and they have a lot of information and support available for you, especially if you’re struggling with a non-sleeping baby or toddler.
They have some great articles on Bedtime Routines and Children’s Sleep problems.
Also take a look at local expert Nanny Amies. See her top 10 tips for sleep here and follow her on facebook / Instagram.
Baby loss takes many forms including miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy; termination of pregnancy due to foetal anomaly; stillbirth; loss following pre-term birth; neonatal death; and post-neonatal death, which ranges from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) to toddlers who die suddenly and unexpectedly for no apparent reason. The death of a baby is one of the most devastating experiences any parent will face and can have a huge impact on families, and many will struggle.
If you are affected by this, it is vital you get help. You are not alone and there is help and support available for anyone affected by this incredibly sad loss. Losing a baby can happen to anyone and it is important you are able to talk about your feelings and understand how to grieve for your loss.
There are a variety of organisations, specific to what support you may need, which can be found on the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance. Information on bereavement and grief support is also available on the RDaSH website.
Local charity JOEL – The Complete Package, is a charity supporting families through pregnancy and parenting after baby loss, set up by Emma and Matthew Pearson, whose twin boys were born sleeping in 2011. Team JOEL offers support to parents online, via closed Facebook groups and email. They have a range of free resources such as sibling resource packs, information for employers and a pregnancy rainbow pregnancy diary. Their aim is to celebrate families as a whole and they are a very positive charity, helping families nationally. Visit their website here. Alternatively, visit their Facebook page or contact them on 07591 740287.
Further information and support:
Read our blog here, where we share lots of useful information, resources and support that are available locally and nationally in the event that ou receive the news that your baby has/may have Down Syndrome. Rachel, one of our Doncaster and Bassetlaw Maternity Voices Partnership (DBMVP) members has a son diagnosed with Down Syndrome and has kindly shared the details of the local forums she is a part of that have really supported her and her son’s journey.
The DBMVP is really looking forward to working closely with Rachel and Bess (The Positive About Down Syndrome – PADS, Regional Maternity Co-ordinator for South Yorkshire and East Midands) to improve local maternity services. Read more >>>