I heard the term EFT or Tapping last week and had no idea what it was!
Fortunately Doncaster Mum Danielle, a qualified EFT Practitioner, sent me some more information and I thought it was a technique worth sharing with other Mumblers.
Danielle, who has been using the Emotional Freedom Techique (EFT), otherwise known as tapping, for a while suggests it’s a great tool that parents and children can use to combat negative feelings, particularly at this time. It works a bit like acupuncture but without the needles and you can do it on your own.
Essentially it’s an easy way to experience stress relief and you can use the technique any time during the day. The techniques concentrate on certain points of the body (the meridian points) to rid negative energy build up. The Meridian system is a system in which the ‘qi’ otherwise known as ‘energy’ flows through.
How does it work?
By tapping, with slight pressure on the energy hot spots around the body in a certain sequence, it relieves negative energy build up which is usually caused by negative experiences and trauma’s.
“I love EFT as a form of therapy for myself and I often use this tool with my clients to lift their negative feelings and most imortantly reprogram their thoughts and feelings into positive ones.
I have had amazing results instantly with tapping. I find I always feel instantly lifted and calm. The feedback has been very much the same from my clients too. Changes in my life bought up to the surface some negativity in my self belief system, beliefs I had spent many years fighting. As soon as I started using this amazing therapy I couldn’t believe the difference in my thoughts, feelings and obviously the repercussions that meant my life and work lifted.
With what’s going on in the world just now with Covid-19, my anxiety levels grew and I felt suffocated and down, as I know many of us have. I decided to use what would make me feel better instantly. Tapping my way through the homeschooling, PT sessions, being a full time cook and cleaner, whilst still running my own business as before plus…i’m sure i’m not alone on this… feeling trapped under one roof with no break from my husband or kids! I decided to do some online sessions for some of my friends and family members and the results were great – they felt instantly calmer, more in control and less anxious. “
Here is a recorded version of Danielle going through a ‘what’s going on in the world‘ specific EFT session which is free for anyone to use.
I have just done it – I won’t lie it felt a bit strange tapping my head and face etc for the first time, but and I do feel more relaxed. I think it gives you the opportunity to concentrate on yourself for a few minutes and I found myself focusing on my breathing and slowing everything down a bit. I loved the positive words that Danielle encourages you to say – ‘i’m safe’, ‘my family is safe’, ‘we are going to be okay’, despite us constantly thinking and worrying the opposite at the moment. Danielle helps you understand where your meridian points are…the video is about 15 minutes so grab some alone time if you can or encourage the kids to do it with you, make yourself comfortable, grab a drink, wash your hands (as you will be touching your face) and have a go.
Danielle offers personalised sessions for those who may want more help. Find her on facebook @mumdoesbusiness